Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Group Performances

I really enjoyed every single group's performance. They were all very unique and every group added their own little twist. The artwork was amazing and everyone did a great job of reading the difficult text. I would have to say though that the most enjoyable performance had to be when David played Juliet. That was the highlight of all the scenes. It was hilarious. Having the scenes acted out for us and interpereted really helped me understand them more. It was also nice to be able to go over all of the study guide questions as a class. I can't wait to watch the movie and see how close our class got on the staging of these scenes.
So more about the actual play, I was really shocked to see how quickly everything turned around from good to bad. Tybalt's death, Romeo's banishment, the new marriage proposal, it seems everything is going wrong. The Friar seems to always think he can fix all the mishappenings that are occuring all around him but I seem to think that the one he is trying on Juliet by making her look dead is going to backfire on him. I am not exactly sure how. I am actually really looking forward to read on and find out if Juliet has to marry Paris or if she gets to live forever with Romeo in secret. This play seems to go on forever. I hope it will end soon so I can know what happens. Oh yes and the "celebration" we had today was quite confusing to me. Did anyone else feel that way?? Some of the true and false questions were worded really weird and the one about fool of fortune yeah I totally got that one wrong, I guessed Juliet. Oh well!!! See you all tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

superw0men13 said...

The performances were alot of fun! I really thought it helped me with understanding the play. The play is getting more and more interesting, and im really starting to enjoy it!