Monday, May 21, 2007


The seniors are gone. They graduate tonight! Ahh. I was thinking all this weekend about what it would feel like to be graduating, because my boyfriend is, and it was weird. I was just thinking like he doesnt really know what he wants to do yet & its scary. I know that if I was a senior right now, I would kinda know what I wanted to do but I would be SOO scared to graduate & to have to go out into the real world. A lot of things lately have opened me up to what the real world is like. And its scary. This is a good quote, I think...

'I could not, at any age, be content to take my place by the fireside and simply look on. Life was meant to be lived. Curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.'

Welll I like it:)
comments, i guess.


Little Miss Sunshine said...

I think that the seniors have no idea whats about to hit them. After all this graduating celebrations, life's responsibilities will catch up with them, and that's going to stink. I can't decide whether or not I'm excited to be "all grown up"

SooperDooperPooperScooper said...

The school seems alot smaller because all of the seniors are gone, I came to school and I thought I was really early because the parking lot looked empty.

Leanna said...

yeahh i think about that everyday, if im ready to grow up because i have ALL older friends so i act a lot older and eventually ill get up there but rushing it is the part im not sure of.

Hogwired said...

That is a scary thought to think about! I have thought about what it would be like when I graduate and it is really scary to realize all the responsibilities you will have put on you. I know that we will all make it through though.

braven gilmore girl said...

i couldnt agree more it is really wierd. i knew a lot of seniors and it is sad to see them go! i know our senior year will come way to fast!