Thursday, May 17, 2007

love poison

When reading the play in front of the class it really helped me to understand what was happening. our scene was when Juliet goes to get the poison. This part made me really mad because it just makes you wish you could warn her not to take it. However, you know she will. When i think of the poison I think of it as a love poison. This is because she does it for their love but in the end it ends up killing her and her love. This is the point of the play when everyone begins to realize how strongly they feal for eachother because they see Juliet is willing to "play dead" in order to be with Romeo. She knows there are risks and that something could go wrong, but she decides to do it anyway and take the risk. What do you guys think about all of this? Can you imagine taking a poison for someone you love?would you do it even though you know what it could leed to?

1 comment:

BlondeC8 said...

I bet I would do something like that if I was in her position.If I loved the person that much it would be worth it.I would do any thing in my power to be with the person I loved like Juliet.I think inlike Juliet I would put more though into the whole situation.I mean she is only 13 and her dad thought the whole love thing was a bad idea in the begining.