Monday, May 21, 2007

My Weekend At The Lake!!!!!!

So this weekend was awesome i first went to the Relay 4 Life until two in the morning then i went to my grandmas house that night. well i guess that would be morning. then i had to get up at 6 in the morning, to go down to aquasports and go to the lake with my instructer to get certified. so we got down there and got our stuff ready and got in the water. it wasnt bad becasue we had like 2 layers of wet suits. but it did get a little cold when all the water seeped into the back and the front of it. we dived 2 times on saturday and but only went down to about 20 feet. we also fed some fish underwater with hotdogs and that was really fun. i caught like 3 fish in my hand with the hotdog and one of them spiked me. Then when we were done my instructor took me down to my friends dock so i could hang out with them for the rest of the day and night. me and him went night diving with flashlights and it was a little freaky becuase when we came up we came up under a dock and i scared my a little becuase it was huge and black. that next morning i had to go again to the place to get certified and we went 3 times that day so we could finish and when we were on our last one we were able to have one partner and go were ever we wanted as long as we came back with 500 psi of air. so me and my partner went down to 50 feet which is below i think 2 thermaclines and that is when the temp drops like 10 degrees and we were only in a longsleeve shorty wet suit and i was freezing i felt like i had ice caked on my brain but it was fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then i went back to my friends dock and fished and slept in the sun it was awesome. i cant wait untill i am 18 so i can become a scuba instructor and i am also going to get the highest diving card there is which is on the pick!!!!!

5,000 logged dives. PLATINUM PRO INSTRUCTOR!!!!!

1 comment:

braven gilmore girl said...

the lake is my favorite place to get away to and it is the one place you will always find me on the weekends in the summer!