Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Romeo and Juliet Finished!

Yay! Finally we have completed the play and today we get to watch two different versions of Romeo and Juliet in the classroom. It is great to finally be done with reading the play and I can confidently say that I could understand the last acts alot easier than the first ones. Acting out Act 3 helped alot with understanding the main turning points of the play but it seems like we just went speeding right through the last 2 acts in just a couple of days, but I can't complain! Hopefully the videos further help with my understanding of what actually went on during the whole thing, that eventually led to there deaths. "For never was a story of more woe, Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."


ohiogirl592 said...

I agree that the ending was easier to understand. I think it was because we are all more familar with the way the play ends than the way the play begins.

hi my name is.... said...

I am very glad that we are done with this story :]. And I am really excited to see the two versions of this play. So far the old version has left out a lot of lines and actions and I can't wait to see what the newer version will do in the end. t should be very interesting.