Friday, May 18, 2007

well I picked up a book!

Well, I'm reading Stolen Voices again, and I just finished reading this journal about a girl living in Hitlers time, and her mom sent her and her sister to strangers in England, so now they are her foster parents and she doesnt like them to much! But it is just really sad to read what the kids go through during war! Im really sorry for thoes of you who's paretns are serving us in the war today! But I am also thankful, that they are willing to risk their lives for mine! =] Its just to much to ask for, and no words can explain how thankful I am for them doing this! =] Thanks guys!


sadie star said...

I love your post you explained so much in so little! I am also very intersted in books like that!

SooperDooperPooperScooper said...

I am still trying to find a book. For me to read a book it has to be perfect, so basically I am very picky.