Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Im at my grandmas house right now

My cousin Clayton is really funny. everytime we come over, he throws up on my mom or me. He is only a couple months old and hes really big! He was eating just now and didn't like the food my grandma was giving him. So she got the pears out and he went nuts. He wouldn't eat the vegetables or chicken and so my grandma tricked him and gave him pears and then the vegetables. It was funny.

Well ive had a good week. How about you guys? Are you guys ready to go back to school? I don't want to. Im getting my hair trimmed adn highlighted today. Tell me about ur week.


and yes this is kendra

Friday, March 23, 2007



What are y'all doing for Spring Break?!

I have to stay here but I am going to make the best of it.

I have to work like 3 days. Buttt hey, I love my job! :)

The Begining of The End

First of all I cant get Spring Break out of my head! I thought the ending of the book was alright. I wish it would have gone on for a little longer and explaind things more. I did like at the end when Boo Radley finally came out. He was just like anybody else except a little wierd. He protected Jem and scout fro Bob Ewell which was a good thing. Bob Ewell had it coming to him anyway. Ahhhhhh well I hope everyone had fun reading the book and I hope that everyone has a good time on sprong break!

Spring Break = TURKEY SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well spring break is just around the corner, but we still have to truck throgh these next few REALLY REALLY REALLY VERY hot classes. But it is worth it because i think that you have to give a little to get a little in our case it is give a little to get a lot. I hope everyone has a great spring break. i am just going to hang around my house and do nothing untill the 31 becasue that is opening Turkey Season OHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHH i am so excited. yeah so that saturday morning i am going to get up around 4:00 A.M so i can get out there early to bag me one of those beauties right in that pickture!!!!! I am going to hopfully get one!!!!!! have a great one everybody!! I'll see you all two weeks from now!!!

It's Already Over?

This week’s reading started out really boring, but then it got really good! The fact that Boo Radley came out was the best part! He turned out to be a nice guy and he was a gentleman. I thought that there was a lot to learn from the book and I liked how everything in the book tied into the very end of the book. I believe that Scout definitly learned a lot and grew from what she learned.

I learned that you should never judge someone because you could find out that they are completely different, and you should put yourself in someone else’s shoes like Atticus had said. It was hard to understand the “to kill a mockingbird,” part of the story, but the way that I interpreted it was that Scout didn’t want to tell anyone that Boo had been involved in the fight that night because if she did, it would be like killing someone that was completely innocent and didn’t hurt anything. To kill a mockingbird would be a sin because all they do is sing and don’t harm anything.

I actually really liked the end, but it was sad it had to end. I loved how Scout was talking about how her and Jem were Boo’s children because it seemed like they really were. Boo could see everything around the neighborhood and he knew everything about Scout and Jem.

Even though Boo rarely came out, he came out when Jem and Scout needed him the most. He covered them with blankets, gave them gifts, and saved their lives. Overall, there are lots of lessons to be learned from the book. I know I definitely learned something, and that is to never kill a mockingbird.
-peanutbutterisyummy- Y

I hurt my head

On Wednesday I was tumbling and I was going to do a round off back handspring back tuck on hard wood by my self.I had already did it 5 times in a row and every thing was going great.I started to run and the next thing I new I was lying on my left side on the floor.I felt like a statue my whole body was felt like I was still in the air.A coach came over and asked me what was wrong and I said that I was numb.I could still feel my hands and feet, and I got up.I then went to the baseball field to get a bag of ice for the bump on my head.I was going to go to tumbling class,but I wanted to go home.When I got home my dad took me to urgent care.I had a cat scan done on my head and a x-ray on my next.I had no fractures and I felt fine except my jaw was tingling.The doctor told me I had a moderate concussion, but didn't go unconscious.My doctor told me I had to take Tylenol because I would be suffering from post concussion insomnia.He said I would have a short attention span and headaches and I would have a short temper.My parent s had to wake me up every two hours when I went to bed to make sure I didn't have any neurological damage.I'm OK now and I going to a physician this afternoon to make sure that I'm ok.

Spring Break Is Here!

Spring break is finally here, I'm so excited. I don't know about everyone else, but I've been waiting for spring break since we came back from Christmas break. I hope everyone has a great break an a fun time. See all of you when we come back.

Bob Ewell

Bob Ewell is definately wears the black hat in this story, and I think Harper Lee did a good job using him to manifest the qualities of a "white trash" citizen in the South. Mr. Ewell and Mr. Cunningham were both poor and narrowminded, but she showed the differance between poor people and trashy people. Mr. Cunningham was generally kind and respectful, although he has his flaws. In contrast Mr. Ewell was mean, spiteful and violent. The Cunninghams were hard working and honest. The Ewells had been living off welfare for generations and often lied to cover up their problems.


So what did everyone think of the ending? I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did! I think the ending was my favorite part out of the whole book. I am still wondering how Bob Ewell died though? Who killed him? It kept me guessing though the entire time. I felt that Atticus's true character came out when he read to the children and then after he put Scout to bed she explained in the book how Atticus was not going to leave Jem's side until he awoke. I also thought is was really neat how she brought Boo back into the picture. I wasn't sure how she was going to do that! Well, I am extremely hot and I cannot think straight so I hope that everyone has a Great Spring Break!

A Boo to Scare Us All

I was in shock when Boo Radley name out to save scou and Jem. It takes a lot of guts to do somethingg out of their ordinary, especially for Boo. That to me showed us that he was kind, caring, and brave. If he had not cam out then Jem and Scout would not have even had a chance. I really have a lot of respect for Boo for what he did because that shows the care that he had for these kids even though they had never seen him.

Boo reminds me of a character named Wes in the book, "The Truth About Forever" by Sarah Dessen. This is an amazing book. In the book Wes had been in jail a few years earlier and met a girl named Macy while catering at her house. Throughout the book they fall in love and everyone knows it but each other. Macy gets a job at the sam catering place and the boss is Wes's aunt. One night she is talking to her about Wes and describes him as "silent, but brilliant." I think this is true with Wes and Boo Radley. They were both quiet, shy, and caring. They cared for many characters throughout the book, silently. In the end they showed their care for the character(s). IN the end they were brilliant and it takes a lot of guts to be brilliant. silient, but brilliant is the perfect definition of Boo Radely. I loved the way TKM ended and I really wish Harper Lee would have written another book because I know that it would have been a good one.

The End.....

Tear Tear It's over

I agree with Mrs. James and every one Else the ending is great it leaves you with such questions. Some things I was happy for but other things I was sad about. I can't wait to finish the movie. I love black and white movies.

My computer has been broken at home so I haven't got to blog or comment that much. I hope every one has a wonder full spring break.

Here is some cool things on Harper Lee!
Where are you guys going for Spring Break?

It's All Over!

The book is done, but I don't now if I should be excited. Towards the end of the book I finally started to like it. At the beginning of the book and pretty much through it until the trial, I thought that it was boring. I really started to get interested during the trial because I am interested in law, and it just kept going on through to the end of the story. I thought that the last couple of chapters were interesting and I really liked how Harper Lee ended the story.

The Empress of Elsewhere and To Kill a Mockingbird

When Ms. James asked us to see if we had any free reading books that had any thing in common with To Kill a Mockingbird I knew exactly what book I was going to use. It is called The Empress of Elsewhere. They are similar in many different ways. For example, in The Empress of Elsewhere, the main character and his sister meet a girl over the summer who is staying with her grandma for a little while and in To Kill a Mockingbird Jem and Scout make friends with Mrs. Rachel's nephew who is also staying with her for the summer. In both stories the three friends become curious about a certain scary place. In To Kill a Mockingbird the place is the Radley house and in The Empress of Elsewhere the place that the three become interested in is the island behind the old lady's house. And in both books the people that the kids thought were mean and inhumane ended up being kind and understanding, but in order to figure this out they had to walk in that persons' shoes. In To Kill a Mockingbird, that person is Boo Radley. And in The Empress of Elsewhere that person was the girl that the main character and his sister become friends with.

I liked both of these books and would encourage you to read The Empress of Elsewhere if you enjoyed To Kill a Mockingbird. Because they seemed to have so much in common.



So what did everybody think about the ending? I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was exciting and kept me guessing! I am still wondering exactly who killed Bob Ewell? I thought it was really neat how you saw that Atticus was a really kind person though when Scout explained how Atticus would sit by Jem's bed until he awakes. The last couple of chapters I got really interested at how Boo was going to come back into the picture and how the book was actually going to end. I think I enjoyed the ending better than I did the whole book. Well, I am extremely hot and can hardly think so I hope that everyone has a Great Spring Break!

Appreciating Family

The biggest theme of the book to me is we often don't appreciate the people we are closest to. This is shown in the begining of the book when the kids are complaining about Atticus being to old to do things with them. They don't realize all of the great thing he can do until. Ms. Maudie says to them that Atticus can make air-tight wills. I still don't think though that the kids understand and fully appreciate Atticus.

I also don't think Scout fully appreciates Jem. Jem's a good brother who always lets her tag along and is protective of her. If it wern't for jem in the end of the book Scout may have been dead. I also don't think Calpurina is respected enough by the kids. In the begining of the book Scout tries to get Calupurnia fired beause Cal disiplines her. Cal though, thinks of Jem and Jean Louise as her kids. She says this when she takes them to her church and says she wants them looking nice because she dosen't want anyone saying she dosen't take care of her children. I really liked that passage. I think Scout really dosen't appreciate all of the people close to her until she stand on the porch at the Radley place. Thats a huge moment for her. We all have those moments, moments when we grow up really fast and get whole new outlooks on things.


She's a Ham

A HAM? I cannot believe her costume was a ham. When I was a little girl i was a Princess three years in a row. I would have never let some one dress me as a ham. That is why i think Scout is unique because she is an individual. I think that the fact the ham costume saved her life was very ironic.

Almost everyone is nice when you get to know them!!

I think that the book was really good. I cant believe that Mr. Ewell would atack the kids instead of atticus. I also liked the book because boo helped the kids by killing Bob Ewell because he was attacking the kids. So with what Ms. James said about almost everyone is nice if you get to know them. well that is exacly what happend with scout and jem meeting boo. I liked this part of the story because you finally get to see what kind of man boo is!

BOO I Scared you! haha!

I loved the end of the book. The whole story I wondered what would happen to Boo. During a point in the book it kinda just left Boo out, and we were left wondering about him. I don't like how that happened, but it kept me wanting to know more in till I could figure out what happened to him. I agree with Ms. James when she said that she loved the ending of the book when Scout was standing on Boo's porch, telling the view of the neighborhood. I think it was an awesome way to end the book. It reflected back on the whole story. I thought it tied everything up, and was great writing by Harper Lee. He is a wonderful writer, and there are so many things I think he wanted to get out by this book.

Sometimes people are more comfortable with a stereotype than than the

This book proved this. Everyone thought that Boo was a criminal, and unsafe. Mothers were scared for children to be even close to his house. Isn't it Ironic that such a "criminal" saved two kids lives? Hm? Then, Mr. Tate, didn't want to tell the town what actually happened cause he didn't want people going around bringing him "angle food cakes" to his door. "It would be a sin." Mr. Tate was not wanting Boo's stereotype to change.

However, I think at some point or another it would come out because of how little the town was. Also, I think Scout will be the first to tell everyone about it. I think that eventually Boo wouldn't be known as the "criminal," but as a town hero!

Family Feud

"We often don't fully appreciate those we are closest to."
I can totally relate to this and I think "To Kill A Mockingbird" also relates to this. Jem and Scout didn't really appreciate Atticus. They would always just complain about how old he is and how there is nothing special about him. Later on in the book they realized that Atticus really has a lot going for him and that he is someone to look up to! I think that most people including myself don't appreciate their family enough. We all fight with our families and we sometimes get tired of each other because we spend so much of our time with them. Usually we don't realize how much we appreciate them until you see how lucky you are or until they are gone. For example when I see kids who's parents don't pay a lot of attention to them or don't seem to care about them, I really appreciate my parents for loving me and showing they care! I think it is just human nature to not appreciate those you are closest to, including your family.

The End + Spring Break 07' :]]

I thought towards the ending of the book, it was pretty good it just seemed long. But i believe that when Boo Radley came out it was pretty exciting, because he hadn't. I Think he seemed like a pretty good and nice guy, when he came out. He was very gentleman like, and he was very respectful to Scout when he walked her home, I guess it was just his gestures of himself..also when he put a blanket on Scout earlier in the book. I just wish i would have found out what happened really and not be left in the blue not knowing what really happened. I hope everyone has a Wonderfulllllll spring Break!!!!!! :]] ((stay safe!))

<3 PinkPwranGer

Rayford and Atticus

In my book, Left Behind, one of the character's names is Rayford Steele. He is a pilot. He is in his late fourties and he has been Left Behind. His wife was taken in the Rapture. He is left with his daughter Chloe. Rayford is a tall, slender guy that has to deal with the antichrist because Rayford flys his plane. Ray is put through many trials because Carpathia, the antichrist, is always playing with his mind. I can relate Rayford to Atticus in Mockingbird because they are both trying to raise kids with out a mother present. Ray has Chloe and Atticus has Scout and Jem. Ray sometimes has a hard time relating to his daughter like Atticus does. I noticed that in both cases the children really missed their fathers alot because they were gone working alot. When they were home they tried to give the kids as much attention as they could but they liked to relax from a stressful day at work instead of playing. Atticus was a lawyer and Rayford was a pilot. They are both put under a tremendous amount of stress in both of their jobs because Ray has to deal with the antichrist and Atticus has to deal with racists. Ray discovers that it is alot harder than he thought to be faithful to God and yet keep his religion a secret from the antichrist. He used inside information on the job to try and save people from the traps of Carpathia. Atticus on the other hand also has alot of pressure. He has to keep his family and friends safe from the anger and persecution of racists who are mad at him for defending a black man, Tom Robinson. Bob Ewell even tries to kill Atticus' kids. Atticus felt really guilty because he sort of stirred up this stuff but he had to do it because it was the right thing to do. These characters are alot alike and they have some of the same struggles and reactions to sticky situations. Link.

Everything Must Come to an End!

To Kill A Mockingbird was a wonderful piece of Literature. The end was amazing to me, because it was so suspenseful and satisfying. I had been wondering since Part II when Boo would wind into the story. I know this sounds bad, but I was extremely happy that Bob Ewell died. Usually, a death is upsetting. But when someone that is that disturbed, like a dictator, their death is always a bundle of joy and smiles! Does that sound horrible or what?!?

The 'moral' in the story that really had an impact on me was that a good person can make a bad decision, but that doesn't mean they still don't have any good in them. When Mr. Cunningham was a part of the mob, he still had enough good in him to have the power to ignore his hatred, and think about the implications of his actions.

When I read the DaVinci Code, I read of a character that seemed bad, but had some good in him. Captain Fache was stubborn and only had one mission: capture Robert Langdon for a crime that he might have committed. He seemed like a little butt that whole book, until the last 5 chapters, when he shows what a good man he could be!

Appreciate What You Have

We all take things for granted whether it be having the perfect family or having a close friend that you can always rely on to be there for you. Things like these are great things to have but once they aren't there or they go away for a period of time you realize how much they really mean to you. In a story out of my independent reading book, Everything's Eventual, the main character is a teenager and all he has is himself and his mom. While he is at college he finds out that his mom has passed away and now he is all by himself. In a situation like this you would be forced to grow up quickly and you would probably wish that you would have appreciated that loved one or possesion alot more while it or they were still around. In our lives I think we have to appreciate what we have now because when you wake up tomorrow there is no guarantee that it will still be there.


Well I can't think right now because i am melting so... oh ya Jem had his arm broken and stuff by Bob Ewell. Well i liked the ending more than i liked most of the book because it was a little suspenseful and you didn't know who did it! I was thinking it was Bob that attacked them but I am amazed that Boo was waching out for them the whole time. By the way i think he grabbed bob and through him down, accidently killing him in the process, which I am completely fine with. Yay for Boo Radley! ITS SO HOT IN HERE

Big Bad Boo

The book was very good, I have to admit. I didn't like the beginning but when Boo emerged it was just magic. I was so surprised to find that Boo had saved their lives. Bob Ewell was an idiot and he deserved to die.
I'm glad the book is over so I can read some free reading books. I read a book that had somebody in it like Boo. I forgot the book but it was some guy who lived in his house like Boo and never came out. The neighbors eventually got him to come out and he ended up killing everybody, it was a bad book.
Live Long and Blog.


When the Sheriff asks, Scout explains what happened, while she was realizing that one of those weird noises she heard was Jem’s arm breaking. The sheriff saw some knife marks on Scout’s costume, and she understands that Bob Ewell had intentions to kill her and Jem. She also recognized that "the stranger" or the man who pulled Ewell off of her and saved both children’s lives was Boo Radley.

Scout, Atticus, Heck Tate, and Boo are relaxing on the front porch. Atticus began to defend Jem, and said that killing Bob Ewell was clearly self-defense. Sheriff Tate corrects Atticus, saying that Bob fell on his knife. Atticus appreciates what Heck is trying to do, but he doesn’t want anyone to cover for Jem. The Sheriff was trying to hide the fact that he was behind Jem. As the men argued, Atticus realized that Boo killed Ewell, and it is Boo who Tate is trying to protect. They finally decided that Ewell did fall on his own knife, a decision Scout fully understands.

Boo saw Jem one more time and then asked Scout to take him home. Scout allowed him to escort her to his door. She returned to Jem’s room and Atticus reads aloud to her until she falls asleep. He tucks her in her own bed, and then retreats to Jem’s room, where he spends the night. :)

I really liked this book. I didn't think that I would because I am not normally into Historical Fiction. BUT it was pretty good...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

A love Story

I just finished the book and i have to admit it was really good. I dont understand how Mr. Ewell could be so mean as to hurt innocent children. It really surprised me when the man standing in the corner was Boo Radley. I am glad that Scout was able to see him before she died, at least that was her life goal. Once I started reading the end I could not stop. I understand how Harper Lee considered the book a love story because that was exactly what it was. I think it was a love story between her and her dad but also her and life itself. I think it shoes the pure innocense of children and that they know more than we give them credit for.

Just a Little Backtrack...

Coke OR Whiskey

In chapter 20 Mr. Dolphus Raymond revealed that he was drinking from a paper sack. He offers Dill a drink and Scout warns him not to take much. Dill takes a slurp and finds out that it is only Coca-Cola. Then Mr. Raymond tells the children that he just acts like he is a drunk so other white people have an explanation for his lifestyle, when really, he just prefers black people over white people.
I thought this was really sad because if someone has to act like they are a drunk just to accomadate with black people so the town will have an explanation for why that person acts like then what is our world coming to. I realize that the world is no longer this bad, but racism is still out there and I think that people need to just come to their senses and realize that the color of your skin doesn't matter.

Boo Emerges!

I thought that the ending to the book To Kill A Mockingbird was great. There was a lot of foreshadowing that Scout and Jem would meet Boo and eventually in the end he saves their lives by killing Bob Ewell. However, I found it kind of ironic that Scout didn't realize that it was Boo until she was in Jem's room with him. I thought that since they had been wanting to meet him so bad that they would be looking out for him 24/7 and would notice him if they saw him. But I guess i was wrong. I also found it ironic that Bob Ewell attacked Atticus' children instead of Atticus himself, of course, who would want to try to attack the best shot in Maycomb?? I thought the book was really good and had a great meaning to it. Any comments?

The End

I think that the end was good and bad. It wrapped up a lot of things for me but I hate it when stories just leave you to find out what happens next. These types of books drive me nuts until about a week later when I forget that I just read the book. I don't mean that I forgot what I read I just mean that I forget that I just recently read the book. I wanted to find out what happened to Jem the next day and if he was going to be better soon or if he had to go through rehabilitation. I wanted to know if he got to play football the next year or if he was the water boy again. I wish that she would have said whether or not Boo and Scout became friends or not.
Those are all the things that were what I wanted to find out but I really wish that Mr. Ewell would have lived so that he had to go through an embarrassing trial and so that he wouldn't just get off the hook. I think that there are a lot worse things than dieing before you even get punished for what you do wrong. I think that dieing before you get punished for something like this is really like getting off a free man. I think that the Trial itself would have been worse than dieing right away and I also think that the punishment would have been worse than dieing right away.

The End!

I thought the ending of the book was OK.It answered all my questions and everything turned out fine in the end.I'm glad Mr.Ewell died.I guess karma came along and got him back for what he did.Boo Radley even saved Jem and Scout's lives.I just wish I would have gotten more information on what happened.It was told from Scout's point of view and in the scene she was inside the ham and she couldn't really tell what was going on.So that part was a little confusing to me.After Boo saved the children he went back to his house and was never seen again.I found that kind of strange.He had proved he was a nice and caring man.Why would he want to stay inside forever,but then again I think he just had issues and was kind of weird.If you all could give me your opinion on anything I wrote that would be great!Ohh and yeah overall this book was really enjoyable!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Unexpected Sadness :(

Last night, we were supposed to read three more chapters in our book "To Kill A Mockingbird" and so I did my homework as assigned. I got to a very strange chapter that was about the Ladies Missionary Society! It was really confusing until Ms. James helped us understand it by reading it out loud to us and explaining it, which afterwards it made so much more since! Anyway, when I got to the end of that chapter it talked about Atticus walking in on their meeting and asking to borrow Calpurnia and Aunt Alexandra to talk to them. I was curious to see what he needed to say to them and when I got all excited and worked up about it I just came to a complete standstill. I came to this rare standstill only because he informed them that Tom Robinson was dead!! Atticus told them that when it was exercise time at the prison he went out and he tried to get away! He tried to climb over the fence and he would of made it because he was strong and fast but he only had use of one arm so he couldn't get over fast enough with just one arm. By the end of his mishap escape he had 17bullet shots in his body because they shot at him so that he wouldn't escape and he ended up dying from it. Personally, I think that it was suicide to do this because he knew that there were guards everywhere with guns. I think he did it because he didn't want to hang or go in the chair and he figured he wasn't going to be set free anyway so why waste his time on letting them kill him painfully. That is just my personal opinion though...tell me what you think about it!

"The Feather that Broke the Camel's Back"

I am almost finished with the book, and when Tom dies, it was something that caught me off guard and I did not expect. I should have been expecting it because in retrospect, it makes perfect sense. I admire Tom very much as a person. All throughout the trial, Tom acted like a gentleman and showed no temper or animosity at all even though he knew that he was innocent. There is no way that I could have kept my cool when being put into a courthouse under trial for a crime you never committed. When he was found guilty, he did not cause an uproar or anything. Maybe it was because he had lost faith from the very beginning, because back then, black men NEVER were proven innocent so why would he be an exception? I guess we will never know, but i cannot even begin to understand what it feels like to be discrimated against because of the color of my skin. Prejudice is one of those things that makes life impure. It makes me sick that people would once judge someone just because of the color of their skin. It is the saying that "People fear and dislike what is different." When Tom was killed, him running over the fence did not make me think of him lower at all. He knew he would be killed anyway, so he tried to take it like a man and do the only thing left possible to do. TKAM has really touched me and I never thought that it ever would.


Well I am a little behind in our the blogging but i think that last nights reading was as real as it could get with Tom getting killed and all. I think that at that time and place Tom was not really asking for it but he was putting himself at great risk. Even though I think that Tom was Innocent of the crime that he was charged with and convicted of the guards that shot him were not trying to be prejudice or anything I don't think. I just think that they were just doing their jobs. Now I don't think that they had to shoot him seventeen times but they had to stop him some how and they weren't going to catch him with the jump he already had on them. But if the jury that served in Tom's trial had done their job and let him loose like he should have been in the first place none of this would have happened. I believe that being prejudice is not only wrong but (The beginnings of the prejudice cycle.)
I also think that it brings out the wrong in us that is not normally there.

Did You like the ending?

I didn't like the ending. It was probably because I liked the book too much for it just to end like that. I wanted the book to go in to if Scout became a "lady" or not and into Jem playing foot ball again. Are there any other books that you would have wanted some more question answered before it ended? I know I have read a few of these books. I don't like it when the book just leaves you to fill in the ending for yourself. In the Kids Left Behind Books I wish that this book would've gone on forever. Also the Princess Diaries Series. I really like these books and I wish there would be more of them.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I just got done reading the Da Vinci Code and I had to watch the movie! I have to admit though the movie was not near as good as the book. The movie moves really fast through the parts that the book would spend pages and pages discribing. Though if you think about it that is how most movies based off a book are. For example the Harry Potter movies are not as good as the books. Maybe it is the fact that after you are done reading a book you get a fealing of accomplishment compared to just finishing a movie in an hour and a half. Do you guys feal like you like the books or their movies better?

Town Gossip

In chapter 24, I liked how all the ladies got together and pretty much gossiped about the town and towns people. I also found that it was funny how they did not seem to stop chatting. Scout was really trying hard to keep up with their conversations, but she had a very hard time and ended up giving up. I liked the picture on the right because
the story starts with one person and every one
else turns around and tells their neighbor.
Until it all comes back to the lady who
originally started the whole thing.
That is how I felt the ladies in the story were.
They would turn to their neighbors and say somthing
like, "The poverty. . . the darkness. . .the
immortality-- nobody but J. Grimes Everett."
They sounded like chickens that could
not stop talking.
When Atticus came in so early and was white
I figured that there was something wrong
but never suspected that it was because of Tom.
I really don't understand why Tom ran
I really could not put the book down and
really wish I knew why Tom ran and
why Boo stays in his house and why Mayella
did not confess what really happened.
Well those are my questions I cannot wait to finish
the book.

Town Gossip

In chapter 24, I liked how all the ladies got together and pretty much gossiped about the town and towns people. I also found that it was funny how they did not seem to stop chatting. Scout was really trying hard to keep up with their conversations, but she had a very hard time and ended up giving up. I liked the picture on the right because
the story starts with one person and every one
else turns around and tells their neighbor.
Until it all comes back to the lady who
originally started the whole thing.
That is how I felt the ladies in the story were.
They would turn to their neighbors and say somthing
like, "The poverty. . . the darkness. . .the
immortality-- nobody but J. Grimes Everett."
They sounded like chickens that could
not stop talking.
When Atticus came in so early and was white
I figured that there was something wrong
but never suspected that it was because of Tom.
I really don't understand why Tom ran
I really could not put the book down and
really wish I knew why Tom ran and
why Boo stays in his house and why Mayella
did not confess what really happened.
Well those are my questions I cannot wait to finish
the book.

Tonight's Reading (Chapters 23-25)

The book is just getting better and better as I read more. I don't know if I want it to end and when it does I am not sure how it will end. I still have a lot of questions about Boo Radley and how Jem broke his arm but at least all my questions about Tom are answered. It totally shocked me when I read that he had been shot and died. I was so not expecting that. I really don't understand why he chose to run away when he still had the chance of getting let free. I really think Attticus could have got him set free being the good lawyer he is but then again there was a lot of prejudice people out there during this time. I can only wonder what would have happened if he wouldn't have tried to escape and not gotten shot. Would he have been set free? I can't even imagine all that he was going through being black and all. There must have been so much stress. It must feel terrible to be charged for something you really didn't do but not being able to do anything about it. I wonder if Mayella ever thought that by kissing him just once would change both of their lives forever.

Another part of the reading that really stood out to me was the discussion that Jem and Scout had about all the diffent kinds of people there were in Maycomb. I think Jem had it all wrong by saying there were four kinds of folks: the ordinary, the Cunninghams, the Ewells, and the negros. I agree more with Scout, there are only one kind of folks and that is folks. We were all created the same way, who cares if we look different or act different, we are all human beings and that is all that matters. I think we should all treat each other the same no matter if we aren't as intelligent as another person or are a different color then another person. All men are created equal it states that in our constitution and that is how are country should operate, no questions asked. During the trail this principle was not carried out at all. Instead of the jury listening to the story and really deciding who they felt was guilty, they sided with the white man just because they were prejudice against the blacks. This is so unfair. Everyone should be able to have a fair and equal trial and not be punished because of their race or religion. I can totally see where that survey that Ms. James gave us before we read the book fits in. There are a lot of controversial issues hidden in this book. I think it is very important for kids our age to learn about these and the different views and opinions that come along with them.

To Live on your Knees or Die on your Feet

To Live on your Knees or Die on your Feet? That is kind of the question Tom faced. He could have not ran and stayed alive longer. He could have sat their waiting for a possible death or maybe he could have survived. He had no control over that. That is why I think he chose to die on his feet. That is the only thing he could control and he took his chance. Then he got shot 17 times I think? Was his decision the right one? I mean he didn't survive so obviously he should have probably tried something else instead of running away. I mean it was not for sure he was going to die. Though when he already failed in the US Court system I guess he thought his best chance to survive was to run. I know we look at that and think why? What was Tom going to do if he did escaped? There is no where he could have been safe unless he got to Canada and never saw his family again. We look at him and say don't give up hope, pull through. We all cheered him on but was he ever going to make it? I think in Tom's eyes his best chance to survive was to run. You can criticise his decision all you want but do you know what, none of us will ever know what it feels like to be a black man. None of us will persecuted because we are black and we will never know what it felt like to be a minority in the South. We can't judge his decision because we are not black and do not understand all the prejudice against him and the entire black community in South during the depression.


I was very surprised when Tom was found guilty. At the same time though I wasn't. I knew the town was filled with prejudice people. Also that even if the knew it was the wrong thing to do they would convict a black man over a white one. Tom was innocent even the judge knew it. That is why he picked Atticus to represent him in court. I thought Atticus did a wonderful job as Tom's lawyer.

Afraid? Why??

I have come to the conclusion, that allot of people, don't treat people with respect! For example, a lady under the name of Satuskei had to change her name to sandy cause she didn't have an American name! She couldn't do anything about it. She stayed with that name till she was 35. She then realized that, that was not who she was. She was Satuskei! Who was this sandy? Her father was a poetry teacher, and thought of her name really hard. Also, people are afraid of what we Americans think of them. For the longest period of time, we have been judging people by the way they look, there religion, and where they are from. Which thus made them afraid of us.

Scottsboro- Tom Robinson

Wow I am so excited I found the perfect site that lists all of the comparisons between these two! It was so cool to have the little organized chart that laid out all of the historical references. There are also cool things about the connection of Scout and Harper Lee. I also liked the time line that had a bunch of trials in it.

Finishing the Trial.

There were many exciting parts of the trail, i think the most shocking part was when Tom was found guilty. I thought that the book was leading to Tom winning the trial. I guess i could say that i was hoping that Tom would win but i hadn't really made my decision. I also think that Atticus was humble throughout the whole thing. But, I also thought Atticus was a heck of a lawyer the way he handled the whole mess. I also think he acted fake sometimes, but he covered it up very well i was actaully suprised.