Saturday, March 17, 2007


It makes me so mad hearing everything that Bob Ewell is saying about Tom! I really wonder if the jury will charge Tom guilty or not. Personally, I think all of it is really unfair. Black people back then were not treated with the same respect as white people had. I have been thinking a lot about people being prejudice, after reading this book, and really there are a lot of people who are. We have a lot of that here at our school. From the type of jeans you wear, to the grades you get, the boys you kiss, what you eat, physical appearance, your friends, your cell phones, ipods, EVERYTHING is always judged. Do you guys get what I mean? I'll admit it, I am prejudice too. Every time I get on an airplane and see some person with a Middle Eastern decent I get nervous. It is normal for people to feel that way though, from what this country has gone through. However, I am starting to learn that you shouldn't take those feelings out on those people, because I shouldn't judge them because of what one person did before. Hope everyone's weekend has been good so far!


hockey player said...

I agree with what you are saying people judge other people all the time before they even get to know them. I can't say that I know what it is like to be judged on by what boys I kiss but i do get nervous when I see a middle eastern man on a plane. Even though the chances of him bombing us are very small they are still there because it has happened before. I also think that the black people back then had it hard because almost everybody hated them so even if they were inocent they would probably be convected because of the color of his skin. I think that is really bad because someone should be convicted if they are guilty not because of the color of their skin.

BlondeC8 said...

I really hope that Tom isn't found guilty.I do think his chances are slim based on the fact he is black and alot of people are racist.I definatley agree with you that evryone judges people.That is how people decside if they want to be your friend or not.People are judged on how they carry themselves,their other friends,or they way they you want to make a good first impression because that will decside if they like you or not.