Friday, March 23, 2007

It's Already Over?

This week’s reading started out really boring, but then it got really good! The fact that Boo Radley came out was the best part! He turned out to be a nice guy and he was a gentleman. I thought that there was a lot to learn from the book and I liked how everything in the book tied into the very end of the book. I believe that Scout definitly learned a lot and grew from what she learned.

I learned that you should never judge someone because you could find out that they are completely different, and you should put yourself in someone else’s shoes like Atticus had said. It was hard to understand the “to kill a mockingbird,” part of the story, but the way that I interpreted it was that Scout didn’t want to tell anyone that Boo had been involved in the fight that night because if she did, it would be like killing someone that was completely innocent and didn’t hurt anything. To kill a mockingbird would be a sin because all they do is sing and don’t harm anything.

I actually really liked the end, but it was sad it had to end. I loved how Scout was talking about how her and Jem were Boo’s children because it seemed like they really were. Boo could see everything around the neighborhood and he knew everything about Scout and Jem.

Even though Boo rarely came out, he came out when Jem and Scout needed him the most. He covered them with blankets, gave them gifts, and saved their lives. Overall, there are lots of lessons to be learned from the book. I know I definitely learned something, and that is to never kill a mockingbird.
-peanutbutterisyummy- Y

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