Friday, March 16, 2007

To Kill A Mockingbird

So, this week's reading was pretty good! Some events in the book stuck out more than others, and some parts were really confusing! The author's writing is so in-depth! A part that stuck out to me was when Scout had talked about how she wanted to twirl at her high school! It's funny because she's so far from being girly! She doesn't act or dress like a girl most of the time! I also really liked when Scout and Jem went to Calpurnia's church! It really showed Jem and Scout a different view of another church.

I did have a question about the "mad dog." Was the dog really mad? Or was it just sick? I thought it was really sad when Atticus shot the dog! Atticus had been known as a really good shooter and it changed Scout's and Jem's views about their father not being able to do anything. I can relate to this because I used to think my parents couldn't do anything but when they tell me the things they were good at I admire them. And what was "Entailment?" Scout mentioned this when she was talking to Mr. Cunningham during the jail scene. I was so surprised that it took an 8-year-old girl to talk the men to their senses. She forced the sensitive sides of them out. I thought it was really cool when Atticus talked about how they should have a, "Police force of children." Sometimes, children can be a bigger influence than adults. I thought it was cool, too, that Dill came back, but I wonder if he's going to go back home again. And I wonder what's going to happen in the trial.

I've started to admire Atticus a lot! He's a good father and he raises his children in a different way. He's laid back and he knows what he's doing! His pride isn't hurt when people say harsh things to him. He has his own beliefs and lives up to them, and I admire that!

A good phrase that I liked in the book was:
"The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience." I really agree with this because a person's conscience is really important for making good decisions.


1 comment:

BlondeC8 said...

This is a very good and detailed post!!I thought it was funny how Scout wanted to twirl the baton.When I was little I had two batons and I would practice twriling and I wanted to be a flag girl.I think the mad dog was sick and like had rabies or something.I was really impressed when Atticus shot the dog in one shot.I always pictured Atticus inside and always doing some kind of studing and it shocked me when he was really good at shoting.