Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I was very surprised when Tom was found guilty. At the same time though I wasn't. I knew the town was filled with prejudice people. Also that even if the knew it was the wrong thing to do they would convict a black man over a white one. Tom was innocent even the judge knew it. That is why he picked Atticus to represent him in court. I thought Atticus did a wonderful job as Tom's lawyer.


BlondeC8 said...

I wasn't surprised when Tom was found guilty because alot of people were racist in the South at that time due to the civil war and people weren't going to change their minds.They were going to be unfair to blacks no matter what because that was the way they were raised.

SpottyC said...

I was not suprise that Tom was found guilty because he was black. Back then racism was strong and even though Tom should've been treated equally in the court of law like Atticus says this doesn't mean that it will happen. Do you think that there was one black person in that jury? Probably not. This is sad and I'm glad that things have changed now.