Thursday, March 22, 2007

Just a Little Backtrack...

Coke OR Whiskey

In chapter 20 Mr. Dolphus Raymond revealed that he was drinking from a paper sack. He offers Dill a drink and Scout warns him not to take much. Dill takes a slurp and finds out that it is only Coca-Cola. Then Mr. Raymond tells the children that he just acts like he is a drunk so other white people have an explanation for his lifestyle, when really, he just prefers black people over white people.
I thought this was really sad because if someone has to act like they are a drunk just to accomadate with black people so the town will have an explanation for why that person acts like then what is our world coming to. I realize that the world is no longer this bad, but racism is still out there and I think that people need to just come to their senses and realize that the color of your skin doesn't matter.

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