Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Well I am a little behind in our the blogging but i think that last nights reading was as real as it could get with Tom getting killed and all. I think that at that time and place Tom was not really asking for it but he was putting himself at great risk. Even though I think that Tom was Innocent of the crime that he was charged with and convicted of the guards that shot him were not trying to be prejudice or anything I don't think. I just think that they were just doing their jobs. Now I don't think that they had to shoot him seventeen times but they had to stop him some how and they weren't going to catch him with the jump he already had on them. But if the jury that served in Tom's trial had done their job and let him loose like he should have been in the first place none of this would have happened. I believe that being prejudice is not only wrong but (The beginnings of the prejudice cycle.)
I also think that it brings out the wrong in us that is not normally there.


westham said...

very wisely put hockey player, I believe that prejudice is one of those things in life where we fear something that is different. It saddens me to think of how bad minorities, Black Americans, in particular were treated in these times.

BlondeC8 said...

The whole trial was wrong!Tom should not have been treated like that it is sad to think blacks were trated like that.On the flip side though look how far they have come!