Friday, March 2, 2007

25 things you probably don't know about me

  • I sing... a lot

  • I would be no where without my family

  • God is my life

  • I come from a family of cheerleaders, and i am one as well

  • I have a really hard time making decisions and i change my mind frequently

  • I don't believe in ghosts

  • I want to live in a big city

  • I love all kinds of music

  • Superficial people upset me, a lot

  • I want to be a doctor when i grow up

  • I love to travel

  • I like the cold weather better then the hot

  • I'm a lot better a Math then English

  • I think everyone should get an equal chance in life

  • I'd rather have 1 best friend then 100 acquaintances

  • I'm really busy

  • I love the summer

  • I like to cook

  • I can't hide my emotions very well

  • I'm a huge procrastinator

  • I love to ski

  • I love to water ski as well

  • I love going to the lake

  • I think of school as a necessary evil

  • I have no regrets in life just a lot of mistakes that i have learned from and they have made me into the person i am now


gangsterchick said...

i love all kinds of music too. exspecially rap and country.

Karee said...

I love cold weather, too. Exxpecally when there is snow.