Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Affirmitive Action

All this made me think of issues of race today. Affirmitive action was the first that came to mind, besides racial profiling.

Do you think it's unfair and outdated, or is it a necessary measure in preserving justice?


BlondeC8 said...

I think it is good because it keeps America from becoming a color blind society.It helps people to be judgeed on their abilities and not their skin color.

Clayton Bigsby said...

Affirmitive is out dated. It cause reverse discrimmination, allows a lower bar of standards for minorites, and then when they meet that lower standard they aren't prepared. It creates reverse discrimination because a well qualifed white person might not get in a college or job he deserves. Also when you set a lower bar for minorites then they won't try as hard. I mean why should they work for that 5.0 GPA when they can get into the college for a 4.5 GPA. Then whenever they get to that college they are not as prepared because everyone else had to get that 5.0 and they end up dropping out because they were not smart enough in the first place. Forget Affirmitive Action give the scholarship to the best person or the job to the most qualified

Eazy B said...

But what if it 24 year old white male from Springfield IS better at his job than 20 year old black female? If these people both want to be doctors at the med program in Arkansas, then aren't we only hurting ourselves when the less qualified doctor is given the scholarship instead?

Eazy B said...

Comepletely ignoring our racial differances and cultures is just as bad as being predjudice against them. To be colorblind, we would lose alot of the black influence on politics, art, and media. Without cultural differances and opposing ideas, nothing ever changes.

Clayton Bigsby said...

I am talking about college applications. You can still have your picture and stuff next to your art work and know the history of their culture just colleges to stop worrying about race. Oh I just heard it is illegal to mention race on a job appication so good job America.

Eazy B said...

well I was responding to the other post, the one about being colorblind...yay America!

Yay being white!

MR. CLEAN said...

That is true. Mr. Ewell could hurt Atticus more by hurting his family, however, i dont understand how Mr. Ewell could have gone that in depth when he was completely wasted. lol