Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Case Closed

I think that the reading last night was very good but I don't think that the verdict was far at all. I think that with all the evidence that it was not far that they convicted Tom of raping Mayella. I think that the jury convicting him just shows how weak and racist they were. With all of the times Mayella contradicted herself and went back on her word like when she couldn't remember if she was hit by Tom or not or when she wouldn't say when her father wasn't "tolalble" or not. I think that those are all signs of the convicting evidence being false. If someone can't remember if they were hit when they were raped by someone that is almost a sure sign that they were not raped by that person. I also think that Mr. Ewell not running for a doctor was a very fishy sign.

I also think that just because a man is of a different color doesn't mean that you have to convict him over another person. Whether you are black, white, Muslim, Jewish, etc. I think that they all deserve to be treated equally. I also think that even though there have been prejudices before I don't think that we should try and make up for them now with a new generation. I think that that is taking away from the privileges of people that weren't prejudice; I think that we should just make a sincere apology and live with them as equals.


BlondeC8 said...

Yeah Mayella was false,and the outcome was unfair.I'm getting really sick of talking about the trail so I'm done.Good post!!

SpottyC said...

Mayelle made me really mad because she lied and was completely responsible for Tom's death. Tom's blood is on her hands and she would have to live with that for ever.