Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Did You like the ending?

I didn't like the ending. It was probably because I liked the book too much for it just to end like that. I wanted the book to go in to if Scout became a "lady" or not and into Jem playing foot ball again. Are there any other books that you would have wanted some more question answered before it ended? I know I have read a few of these books. I don't like it when the book just leaves you to fill in the ending for yourself. In the Kids Left Behind Books I wish that this book would've gone on forever. Also the Princess Diaries Series. I really like these books and I wish there would be more of them.


hockey player said...

I definatly agree with you that books need to fill in the end for you or give a sequil for the book because other wise it just drives yolu nuts. My first book that I read was one of the continuations of the book holes. This book left you hanging just like you said "to Kill a Mockingbird" did. I don't know how I will like the ending of the book because I haven't finished it yet but if it ends like you said it does then I wish that it would keep going too.

BlondeC8 said...

I thought the ending was Ok I'm glad Mr.Ewell got killed and Boo Radley saved Jem and Scout!My prediction was right he proved himself to be a good man.I wish he would have did more with the community after he came out.I just don't see why he would want to stay locked up in this house all the time.