Friday, March 23, 2007


So what did everybody think about the ending? I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was exciting and kept me guessing! I am still wondering exactly who killed Bob Ewell? I thought it was really neat how you saw that Atticus was a really kind person though when Scout explained how Atticus would sit by Jem's bed until he awakes. The last couple of chapters I got really interested at how Boo was going to come back into the picture and how the book was actually going to end. I think I enjoyed the ending better than I did the whole book. Well, I am extremely hot and can hardly think so I hope that everyone has a Great Spring Break!


Little Miss Sunshine said...

Well, I personally loved the ending, but I was talking with my friend and she said it was disappointing. I think it really depends whether or not readers like endings that keep you guessing, or if you like to know what becomes of everyone. Sure, it would be nice to know what became of Scout and her ladiness. What became of Jem's arm? Was there a trial for Bob's death? Did Dill and Scout get married? What became of everyone and thing? Personally, I like to just imagine what happened in my mind, because the possibilities are endless!

butters said...

I thought the ending was alright, but I wish it was a little different. I wish the book could have gone on a little longer. Oh by the way Boo Radley killrd Bob Ewell and have a good spring break!

SpottyC said...

Oh Wow! IT is really hot! I am so tired and so ready for spring break. I know that Boo killed the Bob guy cause he was protecting his kids and it would be like killing a mockingbird to put Boo on trial I guess

koala said...

I loved the ending of the book as well!! In the begining of the book I thought it was slow, but by the end I couldn't put the book down. I kind of like where it ended. I think that way we can all think what we want to about the ending.

Karee said...

I liked the ending also.I really liked how in the end all the little things tied together. I am woundering who killed Mr. Ewell also.