Friday, March 16, 2007

Father and Son

My favorite part of "To Kill a Mockingbird" where Scout was talking to Mr. Cunningham. I think that one of the reasons why Mr. Cunningham left Atticus unharmed was he was thinking about him son. When Scout mentioned Walter, Mr. Cunningham probably felt guilty about wanting to harm Atticus because he was a father too. Mr. Cunningham probably realized how upset Walter would be if his dad got hurt and he decided that he wouldn't want that to happen to ANY child. Also I think in these past few chapters Jem and Atticus have gained a stronger bond. Now that Jem is growing up I think he can relate more to Atticus.


BlondeC8 said...

I can most definatly see that even Scott and Dill saw he was relating to Atticus more because they said he was reading the paper alot and wanted to be left alone.I'm sad Jem is changing he doesn't seem as fun loving as he was and he is now very uptight.

peanutbutterisyummy said...

That's a really good observation about Mr. Cunningham. I didn't even think of it that way, but I thought that was a really good thought! I agree about Atticus and Jem, too because Jem does seem to be understanding his father more and it forms a closer bond between them.

piNkpwranger44 said...

I totally agree also, I agree that they have a very close bond too. I agree with peanutbutterisyummy because i didnt see it like that. But know that you mention it i do! Cute picture too!!! C: