Monday, March 19, 2007


Hey everyone! I went searching on You tube for a trial scene video. I thought it would help a picture be put into the minds of everyone. I did not find a trial scene, but found the movie trailer. Click here to go to it, and watch. There is a part of the trial in the trailer. I think it would help everyone, and I would recommend you go and watch it. I think the trial was the best part in the whole book. I think its truly unfair about the outcome, but it was my favorite part in the book. People like Mr. Edwell give Americans a bad name. Eventhough, I know there are many people out there just like him. Thats sad to think about. Well let me know what you think about the trailer.



Special K said...

Wow!! That movie trailer was really cool. That's great you found that. It really helped give me a picture of the characters and the scenery. Thanks for sharing that with us.

BlondeC8 said...

Great trailer!It really did a good job of depicting the characters!now I can put a face with the charcters.I hate the outcome!I did somehow know that would happen though just because alot of the jury was probably racist.Thanks for the link!

ohiogirl592 said...

I totally agree that people like Mr. Edwell give Americans a bad name. He makes it seems like all white Americans are prejudice against blacks and that is very untrue. I find the time when many people in our nation prejudice of blacks as embarassing and degrading to our nation. We are really better than that!

SpottyC said...

That movie picked really good actors to play the characters. Especially Atticus. It really does seem that Bob Ewell does give America a bad name. Those are the kind of people that would kill someone else to solve the problem that they created. And they probably won't even feel guilty about it.

SpottyC said...

That movie picked really good actors to play the characters. Especially Atticus. It really does seem that Bob Ewell does give America a bad name. Those are the kind of people that would kill someone else to solve the problem that they created. And they probably won't even feel guilty about it.