Friday, March 16, 2007

Jail Scene

I found this picture of the jail scene from the movie. I thought it would help us picture what it was like. At the bottom of the picture you see the mob of white folks. Then in front of them is Atticuss, Jem, Scout, and Dill. I see that Scout is talking to the mob in the picture. Think of how much courage that would take to speak to a group of angry racial men. Scout seems a lot like myself. I see a lot of qualities in here that I see in myself. She is very courageous, brave, outing, and truly cares for people. I see all of them qualities in myself. Go to this link to see more pictures from the film. It might help you picture some of the scenes from the jail. It also gives you a summary of the jail scene. Do you think you would of done what scout did at the jail?


Little Miss Sunshine said...

I don't think I would have the courage nor the bravery to stand in front of angred adults. Truthfully, adults intimidate me. I was proud of Scout when I read of her actions!

superw0men13 said...

I was also, it would take alot of courage. I think you could. If it concerned the safety of people that you cared about. It seemed to me that Atticus would of been endangered. I think that because there were so many of the angered white men and they weren't going to let Atticus stop them from what they came to do in the first place.

BlondeC8 said...

I wouldn't have the courage to do what Scout did,and first of all I probably wouldn't run out to meet atticus when there were tons of men around.I was so suprised what she did and I'm pround of her!Espically that she talked them out of hurting atticus and leting them realize that they were people.

sadie star said...

That's a great picture. This is like I pictured it to look like. I look like some of the people where scared? I don't know I would be though.

SpottyC said...

I think that I would have the courage to say something random to try and break the ice or something like that. I always hate those moments because you feel out of place but it is necessary