Tuesday, March 20, 2007

To Live on your Knees or Die on your Feet

To Live on your Knees or Die on your Feet? That is kind of the question Tom faced. He could have not ran and stayed alive longer. He could have sat their waiting for a possible death or maybe he could have survived. He had no control over that. That is why I think he chose to die on his feet. That is the only thing he could control and he took his chance. Then he got shot 17 times I think? Was his decision the right one? I mean he didn't survive so obviously he should have probably tried something else instead of running away. I mean it was not for sure he was going to die. Though when he already failed in the US Court system I guess he thought his best chance to survive was to run. I know we look at that and think why? What was Tom going to do if he did escaped? There is no where he could have been safe unless he got to Canada and never saw his family again. We look at him and say don't give up hope, pull through. We all cheered him on but was he ever going to make it? I think in Tom's eyes his best chance to survive was to run. You can criticise his decision all you want but do you know what, none of us will ever know what it feels like to be a black man. None of us will persecuted because we are black and we will never know what it felt like to be a minority in the South. We can't judge his decision because we are not black and do not understand all the prejudice against him and the entire black community in South during the depression.


BlondeC8 said...

Great post!!I give you props!I would rather die on my feet because I might make a difference by getting my opion out there for people to hear.I wish Tom didn't run away.I don't think he had good chances of living but it is always good to always have hope.

SpottyC said...

I would personlly rather die on my feet. But who says that Tom tried to run away? That is just assumed because that is what the white racists said. What if the men just shot him because they were mad about the trial and the attention that it rose. Doesn't it sound unreasonable that there were seventeen shots in him? I really don't think Tom was the kind of person to run away.

Clayton Bigsby said...

Before Tom went to the prison the last thing he said was there is no more hope. That is why I think he tried to run away. He gave up hope and did trust that slim chance of winning in the US Court system. Also how can you say you know Tom well enough to say he would never runnaway? We basically just saw he was a hard worker and a good person. Good people can do stupid things somethimes. Also the workers gave a descriptive details of Tom running away and plus if they really shot him for no reason then Harper Lee would have written it different. She is very good about showing if people are lying or not. She never gave any suggestion that the workers were lying.

westham said...

hey well spoken...or typed i guess you would say. It is very unfortunate that Tom was killed but you have to realize, he never really had a chance.He was going to be killed anyway so why not take a stand and take it like a man the way he did. Whats up with Fitty Cent man? O ya, I am pretty sure you stole that title quote from me too...

Eazy B said...

Tom made a poor decesion, that was obvious. He had a good chance, and if even if his appeal had failed, there would be awhile before he was executed, that's when he should have ran. Btw, this situation is not exclusive to African- Americans, White men can be wronged by our courts also, and when it comes to Tom's decesion to run, it may have looked cool to "die on his feet" but I'm sure his family would disagree.