Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tom Is Innocent!

We have just finished the court scene in To Kill A Mockingbird and it has definetly been the best part of the book so far. After hearing all of them testify I thought that Tom would have to get off the hook but then again we have to remember that no one was really on his side in the courtroom but Atticus. Tom convinced me that he was innocent and if the jury wouldn't have been so racist against him he could have been cleared of his charges. It really ticked me off how Mayella could sit up their on the stand and tell everyone that she was innocent and lie under oath but I guess it was her only choice after what her dad did to her. If that same case were to happen in today's world I definetly don' t think it would have been the same outcome. Do you?


braven gilmore girl said...

I KNOW!!! i cannot believe he was convicted guilty! Why were people so stupid back then? They knew what was right and they still did nothing about it!

Boot said...

I think that he should have been inocent and I think that Mayella should have been horse wipped because she was lying on oath at least that is what I think!

hi my name is.... said...

I deffinately agree that Tom is innocent. I also agree that if they same case were held in a court today that it would not have the same outcome. If it was in today's court then Tom most likely would have won. I also think that the lawyer defending the Ewell's was also pulling for Tom to win which was a little weird. Because of the last statement that he said to the jury and the crowd.

SpottyC said...

No today nothing like this would happen. We even go a little further to install equilizers amongst the different races by using things like affirmative action so that there is an equal amount of each minority in colleges.

BlondeC8 said...

This case wouldn't have the same outcome if it was brought to court today.I think the charges would have been dropped and mayella would have been punished for lying.This has been the best part and has been very exciting!