Monday, March 19, 2007

The Trial

The trial has definitely been the most exciting part of the book so far even though I really didn't like how it turned out. That was so disappointing and unfair. Atticus's final speech that he made to the jury was incredible. All that he said was so true and yet no one really listened and tried to live by that. I thought for sure he had it won after that. I truly believe that Tom Robinson was telling the truth and was not guilty at all. I don't think he would ever want to hurt anyone especially a young white girl. He seemed so innocent and kind when he was giving his testimony. Whenever Mayella and Bob Ewell were giving their testimonies it seemed like they were a little hesitant and really trying hard to hide something. I just think it is so weird that they never called a doctor. I mean wasn't Mr. Ewell concerned about Mayella's health??? The other thing that seems really weird to me is that Mr. Ewell is left handed and Tom is crippled on his left and whoever hit Mayella hit her with their left hand. This really makes me believe that Mr. Ewell saw Tom and Mayella kissing and then got angry at Mayella and beat her up. I think it was good for Jem, Scout, and Dill to be their for the case because it really showed them how cruel life could be.

So is the book ever going to go back to the whole Boo Radley mystery?? I really want to know what is going to happen with all that. And how did Jem break his arm??? Is she ever going to tell us??? She told us that he broke his arm at the very beginnig of the book but yet she has never said anything else about it. I am really wondering what happened. Hopefully in the last few chapters my questions will be answered. Oh yeah and the part about the trial really reminds me of the movie the "Green Mile." A black man getting convicted of a crime he never did and then getting the death penalty. It is very similar. Does it remind anyone else of that???


sadie star said...

I totally agree with you. I didnt like how the trial turned out. I didnt think it was going to end how it did. I like how your explained your self. Also good Picture.

BlondeC8 said...

I agree with you I hated the results of the trail.I'm also very curious about Boo Radley he hasn't come up very much lately.I have the same questions as you.I hope Harper Lee answers them!

SpottyC said...

I hate how the trial ended too. It really crushes the kids because they still believe that every thing has a happy ending. I wish Tom would've been found innocent like he truly was, but the world is a cruel place.

Hogwired said...

Yeah I want to know all the answers to those questions too! Maybe the book will tell us soon. I hated the results of the trial too. I think that it is horrible how the Maycomb people made their decision.

superw0men13 said...

I hated how the trial ended as well. I think that they should of called the doctor. If they were smart it would of given them at least a litlle bit of evidence. Eventhough, it was obvious that Mr Edwell had did it. I think that if the jury had found Tom innocent that it would of sent a message to the whole city. I think everyone knew it wasn't Tom.

I know what happens to Boo. It's very unexpected. I didn't expect it. Keep reading to find out! It gets very good...even better then the trial scene! So, keep reading!