Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Unexpected Sadness :(

Last night, we were supposed to read three more chapters in our book "To Kill A Mockingbird" and so I did my homework as assigned. I got to a very strange chapter that was about the Ladies Missionary Society! It was really confusing until Ms. James helped us understand it by reading it out loud to us and explaining it, which afterwards it made so much more since! Anyway, when I got to the end of that chapter it talked about Atticus walking in on their meeting and asking to borrow Calpurnia and Aunt Alexandra to talk to them. I was curious to see what he needed to say to them and when I got all excited and worked up about it I just came to a complete standstill. I came to this rare standstill only because he informed them that Tom Robinson was dead!! Atticus told them that when it was exercise time at the prison he went out and he tried to get away! He tried to climb over the fence and he would of made it because he was strong and fast but he only had use of one arm so he couldn't get over fast enough with just one arm. By the end of his mishap escape he had 17bullet shots in his body because they shot at him so that he wouldn't escape and he ended up dying from it. Personally, I think that it was suicide to do this because he knew that there were guards everywhere with guns. I think he did it because he didn't want to hang or go in the chair and he figured he wasn't going to be set free anyway so why waste his time on letting them kill him painfully. That is just my personal opinion though...tell me what you think about it!


BlondeC8 said...

I agree with you.He knew his chances were small,but I do kind of wish he still kept hope.This was a really sad scene.

MR. CLEAN said...

I completely agree with you. I found it really suprising that Tom Robinson was shot 17 times while trying to escape from the prison. I also kind of thought it was suicide, however, it wasnt complete suicide because there was a small chance that he could have made it over the fence and have been free.

piNkpwranger44 said...

I thought this was verry sad part of the book too. I also couldnt believe that tom was shot 17 times! thats crazy.

sugsnoyl22 said...

I wish Tom would have held up more hope but i'm glad he still tried to escape. They didn't have to shoot him that much either.