Thursday, March 15, 2007

My Day at Silver Dollar City

Well Spring Show has finally begun!!! I am in a show at Silver Dollar City wth Ashley and about 11 other kids!! We did our first shows today and I was kind of nervous about how we would do but everything actually went really well. I was pretty mad at myself though because today as soon as I got to SDC I realized I had accidently forgot to grab the bag my dance shoes were in, so my mom had to go to Wal Mart and buy me these really ugly black shoes. They were velcro and looked like old lady shoes not to mention they were kind of big on me, but I survived and that sould teach me to never forget them again. So this is my third year being in the show and this year we have a lot of new kids. The age rage of the kids is 6-17 so there are a lot of different varities which has been a little diffficult but we have made it with no major conflicts so far. The little kids have been a little of a struggle for me this year because it took them so long to learn the songs and dances and they have very short attention spans as most younger kids do. I have really learned a lot this year though cause I have been forced more then ever to be an example and leader to the kids which is really hard for me sometimes because I am a kid just like all of them. I wanna goof off and have fun just as much as them but I know I can't or else they will think they can act like that to!
Our theatre this year is extra cool!! We are inside at the Riverfront Playhouse and we have all these lights that switch colors all the time and even a spotlight. It makes me feel really special perfrming in such a big theatre with lights and an announcer and everything. We are usually outside so this is a pretty big change but I felt that we had a lot bigger crowds today then we usually do. This summer I will be in another show with American Kids at the Gazebo just on the weekends. I hope the rest of our days doing shows go just and well and I hope we can bless just as many people!! Wish me luck!!


SpottyC said...

Good Luck! That sounds like a great oppertunity to be able to help out with llittle kids. It's really nice to have someone look up to you and think wow this person is so cool I want to be like them when I get older. When I work with the little kids at my church I always feel a little pressure like I have to be a super good role model.

BlondeC8 said...

GOOD LUCK!!!I'm so glad everything went according to plan!I'm going to SDC on springbreak maybe I can see you sing!I bet you were amazing!

Hogwired said...

I do wish you luck! You and Ashley seem like you both really enjoy doing this and I think that is awesome that you are so passionate about something. Hope everything goes well.