Thursday, March 15, 2007

Runaway Love!

When I read of Dill's runaway accomplishment, I was impressed.
I couldn't believe how sneaky and intelligent he was!! I was amazed how a little boy like him easily covered that much ground safely.

I sometimes thought of running away, but I can't really think of any reason why I would wanted to, except for the adventure of it all.

The closest thing I ever did to running away was when I was at J.C.Penny's buying jeans, and I hid in the dressing room to be funny. I recall my mom and sister screaming my name, and I sat quietly in a locked dressing room laughing silently. It seemed clever up until my mom found me when the security guard was unlocking all of the dressing rooms. Then, it really didn't seem like such a good idea, and boy, did I get lectured on the car ride home!!

Have you ever done something cleverly stupid like that??


BlondeC8 said...

I can't really think of anything at the top of my head at the moment.I sounded like you got in alot of trouble,and I'm sure your mom was worried sick about you!I was also very impressed with dill.I thought it was funny how he was with a circus for a while.I have always wanted to be a trapeeze person.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

I think he was pulling Scout's and Jem's leg. =) I think he was trying to impress them.