Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Arranged Marriages

Personally, I think that arranged marriages are completely unfair. Back in Shakespeare's time, getting married to someone didn't mean that you loved them. Today marriage is solely based on love. Wouldn't that be horrible to have to spend the rest of your life with someone who you don't really love or even like! The marriages were based on wealth and social classes. Even today people are judged by those standards. Love and marriage, however should not be based on those factors.


superw0men13 said...

I couldn't imagine spending my whole life with someone I didn't choose. It would be horrible. I don't think I could stand a person I didn't love for that long!

Anonymous said...

That is so terrible to even think about being married to someone that i didn't truly love. to be stuck with them for the rest of my life on a decision made by my parents many years in the past. I would probably end up killing myself.....

westham said...

I agree that isnt fair that they had no say in who they were to marry and it was very sad that the parents cared more about money and fame than the love of their children.

BlondeC8 said...

I think arranged marriges are bad.I feel so bad for juliet I'm sure the Prince is a nice and very hansome man ,but she is only 13.she is way to young for anything of that sort.

peanutbutterisyummy said...

I would be tempted to get out of the arranged marriage! I don't think anyone thought deeply about how women felt and they just took advantage of their money, which is compeltely unfair!