Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Way To Boston

The Boston Marathon is oldest marathon that is still being run today and back in Dick Beardsley running days. It was also one of the most prestige races with the best marathoners in the world coming there for one purpose and that is to win. It is always a great feeling when you win any marathon but win you win the Boston some say it is better than winning the Olympics. Dick Beardsley wanted to win this race and by now he was a world class runner and one of the best in the world. His best race was a 2:09 which is one of the best times ever run. This time was run at Grandma's Marathon in Duluth which also set a course record. He was training hard but was coming off some injuries which put him back to only 100 mile weeks instead of the 120 to 140 mile weeks he was used to. Now that might sound like a lot of money but when that is your job you have to do it. This years Boston was in 1982 with a pretty tough field especially with Alberto Salazar. Dick was running a very good race after he and Salazar had left the field in the dust since the weather was so hot for a marathon. They were at pace to break 2:10:00 with a 1:04 half way point. With about a half of a mile to go they were still neck and neck but Dick was about to take off when he got a big Charlie Horse in his right calf. He thought that it was over when Salazar blew past him but he stepped in a pothole which actually took the charlie horse right out of his leg and he was able to run again so he took off trying to catch Salazar but with about 150 yards to go a motor cycle cut him off and he lost to Salazar by about 2 or 3 yards. Here is a link to a sight with a bunch of good running pictures of Dick and one of him at the 1982 Boston Marathon on the stand.

1 comment:

tito said...

Ya the Boston Marathon is a big race my brother's p.e. teacher ran it this year, that stinks that he lost because of that motorcycle.