Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The perfect picture

I came home from open gym today and my mind immediatly began to ponder what picture I would use for the poetry assignment in class. It was like and answer to my prayers because as soon as I walked into my room I saw a picture that had fallen off of my wall. I picked it up and it was a picture of the time my frinds and I went splunking with my youth group. Hardly any one showed up tho this trip except for the three of us and a couple other guys. We thought that the trip would be horrible seeing as we were the only other girls that were going, but it turned out to be great. The best part was getting all dirty. We wore old grubby camo clothes. I loved going through the mud tunnels. It was an extremely long passage that you had to army crawl through because it was only around two feet in diameter. This trip was a blast!

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