Sunday, April 22, 2007

I understand the play...with a bit of help

I really like the play so far with the help of no fear Shakespeare. I thought the nurse was so funny because she didn't understand that she was supposed to stop talking.In the translation of the play the nurse was so much funnier because I knew what she was saying.With out the translation I bet I wouldn't even know what in the world she was talking about.I really don't understand the queen Mab speech by Murcuito.Was that just supposed to be a bunch of non-sense,or did it actually mean something?The translation really didn't help me understand that part in fact the speech wasn't any different in the translation than from the play script.

1 comment:

Hogwired said...

I thought that the nurse was hilarious. I don't think I would have known what she was saying unless I had looked at no fear Shakespeare.