Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Two topics

I think that the dancing part of the Romeo and Juliet lesson was really fun and creative. It made me see how different the dancing really was back then. I didn't like the dancing in the new version of Romeo and Juliet because it wasn't realistic. I did however like the costumes of Romeo, Juliet, and Tybalt because it corresponded with their personalities. Romeo was a knight in shining armor, Juliet was an angel, and Tybalt was a devil stirring up trouble. I did not like Mercutio's costume because I did not see how his personality was anything like a woman.

I commented on the Virginia Tech Massacre and some of you seemed curious about what I said so here is the whole story. I was driving through Topeka, Kansas. I saw a church that was protesting the Virginia Tech Massacre Memorial/Funerals because they thought that the Massacre was caused of provoked by gay people. The church had a sign that said, "God hates gay people." It made me furious that any church could do this because Christians believe that God hates the sin and loves the sinner. I share this belief. God loves all of us unconditionally but He doesn't like our sin. I think that any side bar conflict that would be brought up like this church did is totally beside the point. The point is that a terrible crime happened and it shouldn't have happened no matter who was involved. I think that this church in Kansas is pretty messed up.

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