Sunday, April 22, 2007

The book that I am reading

I have not been able to get to the library lately so I just picked up a random book in my basement. It is called Do Fish Drink Water. It is a book full of questions and answers and also fun facts that go along with the questions. The questions are like: What is the origin of the neckties that men wear?
How did grapefruit get its name?
How many colors of M&M's are there?
What is the book that the Statue of Liberty is holding?
What is the origin of the phrase "It's not over until the fat lady sings"?
If you like to learn funny little facts about random things I would say that this is the book for you.
And if you are wondering, Fish do drink water.


SooperDooperPooperScooper said...

That looks like an interesting book.

SpottyC said...

I would like to read that book. What is the book that the statue of liberty is holding???