Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Injuries!!! :P

As you probably already know in the past year I have suffered from a stress fracture! I haven't had an injury since that time in my life, which has been like 4months! Then guess what happens I just have to get another leg problem except it is not with my left but no my good old right leg!! You see, about 2weeks ago I went to the Doctor and he said I had to lay off for about 2weeks because I had Post Tibial Tendinitis!! Yuck! I hate injuries! So a suggestion to all of you out there who are involved in sports just be smart and take care of your body! I do have some good news though I get to run in tomorrws meet because it has been two weeks!! So wish me luck on running the mile!! :)

1 comment:

BlondeC8 said...

I wish you luck!I hope you get better,and I hope it is not severe.I used to run track...I still run for fun,but I don't have time for trck.