Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Little Too Forward?!? ♥

Well things are really heating up in Romeo & Juliet!! But what I didn't think was realistic is the thought that Romeo was so forward towards Juliet at the party. I mean sure, nowadays, it would be normal, but in the 16Th century?!? For heaven's sake, I don't think that a Count would just walk up to a stranger and start making moves on her! That would be tacky and uncalled for. Maybe I am being to critical, but I just can't see that happening. But maybe this is what makes the story so interesting and this whole event might even get the ball rolling to the next Act! The only thing left to do is read...and see what happens!!


superw0men13 said...

I totally agree! I couldn't believe how forward he was. I thought back then you couldn;t be as tacky and forward...but maybe we are both wronge?

Eazy B said...

Yeah, that probably wouldn't happen in Shakesphere's time. But in the movie, the setting is different, and I think the director was trying to show the difference in the cultures.

hi my name is.... said...

I deffinately agree. I thougt that was very weird whenever he started making moves on Juliet. Where is Count Paris at this moment? I don't get that wouldn't he be with her the whole party?
I don't understand...I mean he is proposing to her. Hmmmm.