Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Romeo and Juliet thus far

So far Romeo and Juliet has been really good but a little confusing and slow moving!! I am really ready for Romeo and Juliet to meet and fall in love!! Love stories are my favorite thing to read!!! I only wish love in real life was as wonderful and easy as in the movies. So the Fear No Shakesperae sight has really helped me a lot to understand more what is going on. Also reading it together in class with Ms. James has also made things a lot easier. In scene two, I thought that was so interesting that Juliet's father says before Juliet will be able marry Paris she had to agree. That is so unlike this time period because usually girls have arranged marriages where they have no say in who they marry which is very unfair. I also thought that it was so creative on Shakespeare's part on how Romeo found out about the ball. He pretty much invited himself just because the woman he supposedly loved was going to be there. Lucky the servant didn't know how to read. Today, we finally got to meet Juliet and her nurse. The nurse was such a funny character but I feel that some of her jokes were uncalled for. It was so funny when Lady Capulet told her that, that was enough but yet she still kept on talking away. Juliet was pretty much how I expected her to be. So I read Scene four just a few minutes ago and I thought that was so weird how in Romeo's last line he said that he felt something bad was going to start up tonight that would end in his death, and that is exactly what happens. He meets Juliet, they fall in love, and they end up dying because of their families hatred towards one another. That is so weird that Shakespeare would put that in there. I also felt like during this whole scene that Romeo didn't want ot go to the ball anymore but instead his friends were making him. I can't wait to read on and see what happens next!!!

1 comment:

ohiogirl592 said...

Like yourself I am excited to see what is going to happen next, even though we all know how it ends. I just want Romeo and Juliet to meet!