Monday, April 23, 2007

Something Different!

Today in class was so fun and amazing!! I had so much fun learning the new dance! At first I was kinda iffy about it but then I saw how fun it could be when you put yourself out there!! It was a pretty easy dance but made you feel silly! It is so weird how much different our dances are in today's society then back in that era! If someone danced like that at one of our dances people would probably stare and laugh because it is so funny looking and different!
Anyways...Romeo and Juliet is turning out to be really good! I am a sucker for the love sap stories especially young love but I don't know if you would exactly call it that because they are self absorbed. I like how it is going so far because with the movie and the "No Fear Shakespeare" it is a lot easier to understand and I am even beginning to understand it with out those sources! How about everyone else?


westham said...

i am not gonna lie. i was not a fan at all of the renaissance dancing that we did in class yesterday but hey, whatever floats your boat haha.

ohiogirl592 said...

Ya I agree, if someone would dance like that at our school dances they would be completely humilated. Dancing sure has changed over the years!

superw0men13 said...

I bet back then it wasn't funny to them. It would be like todays "cool" daning. haha. Eventhough I can't imagine that! ha. Well anyways, I'm glad that we are getting into the love story of Romeo and Juliet. I'm alot more into it now.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

I'm sure they thought their dances were entertaining! I actually think its a lot more interesting then that butt to front dancing we do today! I'm sure if they saw our dancing they would think it was completely risque!

BlondeC8 said...

I thought the dancing waS REALLY INTERESTING,BUT i GUESS YOU COULD SAY i HAD CORNS ON MY FEET.i DID IT ONCE AND THEN STOPPED AT THAT.I wonder what Romeo and Juilet would do if they came to one of our school dances?Would they join in,do their own thing,or just be walflowers?

Eazy B said...

I enjoyed the dancing. Why didn't you? I thought you liked that kinda stuff?

Hogwired said...

I thought that the dance was ok. I got kind of tired of it for doing it a second time but oh well it is fine. Glad you had a great time with it.