Wednesday, April 4, 2007

How Did Scout feel??

I think that if I were in any situation like the

situation that Scout was in that I would feel very unsure.

The situation would be trying to figure out what really happened

during the attack. First of all it would really bug me not knowing

what was happening during the attack because I had a ham

costume on and could not see. Second it would really bug

me after the attack was over when the sheriff was trying to figure out

what really happened. And when he would ask me questions

about what happened and how many people were involved

I would feel really bad just saying "I don't know what happened, I

think that...". This is how I would feel how about you?


superw0men13 said...

I totally agree. If I was trapped in a Ham constume while being attack by someone it would be horrible. Also, then I would have to tell the story, and I wouldn't know what to say because it was pitch black. Scout is extrememly brave. I have much respect for her.

Hogwired said...

I agree also! I would not like it very much if I was stuck in a ham costume and could not see what was happening during the attack. I would be so confused I wouldn't know what to tell the sheriff. I mean how could you go on without knowing how Bob Ewell was killed? I know I would not like that very much! Scout if definately a unique girl!

BlondeC8 said...

I agree I would be confused if I were scout and that part of the attack was really confusing to me because I didn't understand what was going on.We the readers were left in the dark most of the time.

butters said...

I completelt agree with you. I would be really upset that I could not tell people what really happend.It could have been really important if I knew the information because if the story was different someone coud have been acused for something they didn't do.

peanutbutterisyummy said...

I would feel really confused about the whole situation, but the ham was what saved Scout so I would be kind of grateful for it. I would be really frustrated, though, because it's pitch dark and I couldn't see what was going on.

westham said...

I thought it was very creative and brilliant of Harper Lee to take something as simple as a ham costume and make it the one item that saved Scout from being killed by Bob Ewell